Mick and Mack have arrived!
I'm a Mama!
Guess the boys decided Valentine's Day was going to be THEIR day!
I woke up Valentine's Day morning feeling pretty good. Around 10am I went to the bathroom and there was my plug! We called the doc and they said to come in. When we got there, I was having some good contractions, had dilated to 2 cm, my water was leaking, and my blood pressure was up. Doc said to head straight to the hospital that we'd have babies within the hour!
We got to the hospital and it seemed to go slowly at first getting into the hospital room, IV's attached, etc. Then my doc showed up and everything got into high gear. Mick was born weighing 7 lbs 8.4 ozs at 1:39pm and Mack showed up 1 minute later justa squalling his head off and weighed 6 lbs 8 oz! Talk about big boys! Especially for being only at 36 weeks. We were all shocked. I was carrying around over 14 lbs of baby!
The c-section part went great. I didn't feel a thing and I got to see my boys before they took them to the nursery. Gigi, the lucky girl, got to carry them to the nursery!
We spent two days in the hospital and it's been a blur since. I'm not sure if I'm coming or going.
The boys are adorable. Mick has red hair and Mack has dark hair with tints of red. Beautiful dark blue eyes and temperments as different as night and day. Life is certainly interesting right now!