Mick's neurology appt
At Mick and Mack's 4 month appt, their pedi referred Mick to a neurologist because of Plagiocephaly. Plagiocephaly is a flattening of the head/skull that often occurs in multipes and preemies, both of which apply here.
Today was his appointment.
We waited 3 hours until we were seen. Good thing I had a bottle and juice on hand!
We finally got in and the doctor questioned me on what we had done so far to get him off his left side. Then he gave me a rundown of their last conference on plagiocephaly and the three different opinions that were given by the top neuro's in the country. Then he said that Mick's isn't the mildest he has seen this week but he's also not the worse. He then said that MOST children round out by age 2 but there's always that 1 or 2 that don't and further measures (corrective surgery) have to be taken. He gave me a prescription for the helmet and scheduled an appt to come back in two months. He said if we were going to do the helmet, now was the best time rather than waiting. I would rather Mick be in a helmet now when he won't remember it than possibly be that 1 or 2 that doesn't round out naturally and then face surgery.
Not my baby!
Then he told me that Tricare won't pay for the helmet and that it's $2500.00
That is unacceptable.
Tomorrow I'm going to take the prescription to the company that makes the helmet. Then I'm going to wait to see if Tricare refuses. Then I'm going to raise total and pure hell. I haven't served 19 years in the Air Force and been promised medical care for me and my dependants for Tricare to refuse care.
Nope, nope, nope. My red's gonna come out.