29 June 2006

The two week wait sucks!

I'm 5dp5dt. And waiting, waiting, waiting...

Analyzing every twinge, every creak, every cramp...

Is it or isn't it...

I don't know.

I need a hobby to keep my hands and mind busy.

Maybe I should have learned to knit.

Or sew...then I could make baby clothes and maternity tops.


At 10:45 AM, Blogger KathyK said...

What about reading hot romances? That keeps your hands busy (holding the book) [get your mind out of the gutter!] and your mind occupied as well. I hope, I hope, I hope everything is well with you. Knowing the exact moment of conception really makes the 40 weeks seems like 140 weeks. Take a deep breath and then take a walk or bike ride around the base. It helps with the stress and gives you some space to think about something else.

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could do pushups - get those arms nice and strong to hold the baby. *grin*

At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Push ups *snork* good idea T...she's gonna be carrying more than a baby. There's the diaper bag, the infant carrier, anything else she wants to go with them like her handbag, groceries, oh yeah keep the keys in your hand or pocket don't want to have to search for those while you're holding the baby in the infant carrier with the diaper bag and groceries and handbag. *smooch*



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