02 June 2006


are an interesting thing.

You get hot, you get sweaty...no glistening or glowing, just pure de sweat!

You develop interesting bumps or swelling in the abdominal region. "Water weight" we call it when we're younger and don't want to admit we're getting a belly.

Emotions flash and flare. Reading a sad article or book can make you tear up. And those sappy commercials? Oh yeah, tears start flowing.

Even happy things make you cry. Someone says something nice to you and you're done for. You grab a kleenex and pretend it's your allergies.

Yeah, hormones are an interesting thing.

Definitely worth it though.

Oh yeah.


At 2:11 PM, Blogger KathyK said...

I remember telling my OB/Gyn about how hormones were changing my behavior. I had started making a quilt for the baby's room and nesting. He smiled and said, "Yeah. Hormones keep me in business." Hormones definitely have their good and evil sides. As a post-menopausal woman, I miss the mid-cycle urges, but I sure don't miss the pre-menstrual bloat and emotional lability.

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, you love em but you hate em! But I hate to tell you, that later in life you cant blame the tears on hormones anymore, its that wonderful "ya right" thing called age. Makes ya boohoo over any little thing. But enjoy it while you can cuz life is a wonderful thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*blank stare*
*quizzically tilted head*

Must be a girl thing :-)

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Twin Mommie said...

Imagine being kicked in the balls and while the pain goes away, the testosterone surge (you know, surge of anger that goes along with being kicked in the balls?) never does...that's a hormone surge.


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