08 August 2009

Shame on me!

I haven't posted in a year and a half!

Here's an update.

I retired from the Air Force and moved back home. I live across the street from my mom and my brother. I have a new job as a customer service rep for a paper company in Tuscaloosa, AL. I stay busy chasing after two very active 2.5 year olds who do not seem to understand what sleep is. I make my jewelry and sell vintage items to support their pull-up and clothing habit. I finally sit down every evening after they have gone to bed, exhausted and yet content.

I wouldn't change a thing!


At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow....... what a busy mommy...... hope the boys had a great Vday Bday..... Stay strong



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